Saturday, 3 November 2018

A dream trip

It's strange that so many people on earth, are living without having such a mystic experience and they have no clue about it. People try meditation for years without achieving anything concrete.  One night trip to can alter your conscience in such a profound way that no amount of words or picture can explain. The only way is to experience one.

It all started with a feeling of ecstasy, with slightly uncontrolled laughter. Soon it was clear that any light source or colours were appearing brighter than usual. This is due to that the fact pupil gets dilated. Any sort of gracious movement attracts your attention.
Body coordination was affected even simple task like walking or plugging the charger of the phone was not easy.
The heightened sense of body awareness can make you feel the structure of your own skeleton, muscles, pulses movement etc. In one situation  I observed a  mosquito was biting me in a completely dark room, I turned on my mobile's flashlight and killed a mosquito with flawless accuracy. Locating a source of minor pain even minor improved distinctly.

Another revelation was regarding Hindu gods and goddess, the aura of their image makes much more sense on such trip. I also felt that whoever created these statues or images in the first place must be in a similar state as I was. People who are indulging in the traditional sense of worship never be able to realise the magnificence of deity.

On turning off the room's light, the hallucination of strange creatures having a head of small man and body of the snake was observed crawling on the wall of rooms.

When in the sober state, there are people who matter to you emotionally. While on the trip they'll appear insignificant. You can talk to them, watch their images without feeling any kind of emotional attachment. There was an absolute feeling of fearless,  and it seemed that I can do anything no matter the complexity. The brain was more interested in thinking about bigger picture rather getting stuck in chores. Overall thought  process was very articulated, without the involvement of any emotion like fear, love, anger etc.
Normally when we look at the face of a stranger, there is a feeling of stress, but when on the trip it was effortless. There is no fear associated to looking around at fellow unknown peoples.

I was able to observe the rapid flicking of AC incandescent light bulb and can distinguish between sounds coming from  4-5 fans of the neighbouring room. Any kind of trippy music video will appear fascinating. The screen of mobile was appearing slightly curve than normal.
In the case of the genre of videos liked by you, there will be a feeling of utter dislike for any kind of violence, abuse, crime, politics etc. Any kind of adult content would be disliked as well.

In the morning I went to the rooftop. Movement of birds like pigeon and eagle was appearing very gracious. Rising sun, clouds, plants very equally fascinating. I can feel the childlike fascination for such things. It seemed to me that certain area of the brain has been activated which trying to connect me to nature. 

Also, foods tasted better, every bit chewed can be felt precisely than ever before.

Since the effect was so profound that there is no doubt that some people resort to it to escape from the problem of reality. Any people regularly undergoing this can be divided into four category
  1. Pleasure - Most people fall in this category and waste the advantage offered, which is supposed to do the greater purpose.
  2. Spiritual - When people use it for this purpose and makes sense of trip. But I have limited knowledge about it.
  3. Self-development - Creative use to boost their materialistic growth and in my view should be the primary target for the trip.
  4. Rehabilitation - Person suffering from depression, negativity can greatly benefit from such a retreat. 
Although effect lasted just one night and early morning. The changes introduced continue affecting my lifetime. It provided me with a very different way to look at life and nature.